The Complete Guide To Writing A 4-Page Persuasive Essay

Writing an effective persuasive essay means that you have presented a convincing argument that your reader either agrees with, or can respect. Presenting a strong argument is the foundation of any successful persuasive essay. As you get older, it becomes more frequent that your teacher asks for papers of a specific word or page count. Writing papers that are 4+ pages can be daunting, but it is possible when you follow these steps:

  • Pick a topic: Choosing the right topic can easily determine how much content you are going to get out of your paper. Selecting a topic you are passionate about will make the whole process much easier. There is more to write about a subject you actually care for than for a subject you could not care less about. Try to stay away from tired topics like abortion, drugs, laws, etc., as these papers have been written time and time again. Similarly, do not choose a topic that is too obscure.
  • Create an argument: Once you have selected a topic, you will have to determine your stance on it. Some topics will be easier to side with than others, so clearly think through what your perspective on the subject is. After choosing a stance, start picking at your brain to try to find why exactly you feel this way. This will be the foundation of your paper.
  • Research: Research offers all the content that will support the rest of your paper. People can counter opinions, but they cannot counter objective facts. When you present your reader with research that backs up your claims, they are more likely to agree with you. Research will also take up a fair amount of space, helping you reach the four page mark you are required.
  • Acknowledge the opposition: Any respectable persuasive paper will acknowledge the opposing side. The best way to win an argument is to point out why the other side of the argument is flawed. This will also give you a paragraph or two extra in length.
  • Proofread: If you think you are all done, read over your paper a few times. The first time you read over it, try to pay attention simply to how the material all flows. Then, read over it with a more focused eye. Pay attention to grammar and spelling and correct all technical errors in the paper.
  • Peer review: Have someone else read your paper and give you his or her opinion on it. This is the surest way of getting an unbiased perspective of how your paper translates.

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